Hempstead City Hall: 1125 Austin Street || Hempstead, TX 77445 || Phone: (979) 826-2486 || Fax: (979) 826-6703


Superintendent: Blake Duncan
1405 8th Street
Hempstead, Texas 77445
(979) 826-8313 | (979) 826-3557

To report the smell of gas, please call City Hall at (979) 826-2486 immediately to have a gas service worker service
your concern. Make sure you give your name, address, and phone number where you smell the gas. Give this
information to the contact person at City Hall. Let them know if the smell of gas is strong, and where the smell of
gas is present. Someone must be there when service worker arrives.


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To Hempstead

The City of Hempstead is located 50 miles west of Downtown Houston, Texas and also located near strong academic institutions such as Prairie View A&M University, Texas A&M University, and Blinn College. While visiting the City of Hempstead, do not hesitate to stop and enjoy a mixture of the foods from Italian to Bar-B-Que. Be sure and try one of our really sweet and juicy watermelons, very sure to please! We look forward to you visiting our City.

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